You can choose any body shop to have your car repaired. It's the Law. But somehow some Insurance Companies usually try to steer the customer to have their vehicle repaired at one of their DRP (Direct Repairer Program) facilities.
Steering is illegal. And if the customer does not know his/her rights it's usally convinced when the insurance company mentions that those repairs will have a Lifetime Warranty.
Well, it's important to know that we also offer time Lifetime Warranty on our paint and craftsmanship as long as you own the vehicle.
Beware of phrases like "If you go to our shop we can pay them directly and it will be faster." "If you go to a non-preferred shop, your repair will be delayed waiting for our adjuster to inspect the vehicle." Or, "They are not on our preferred list."
"Preferred" means that the insurance company "prefers" you use a shop that has signed an agreement to pre-negotiate your repairs by giving the insurer discounts, using inferior parts, and possibly not doing all necessary processes to repair your vehicle properly. Many of these shops will admit that the insurer is the real customer because they are "paying the bill".
That is YOUR money!
Do your homework, do a quick research on Internet about the shop you're about to use, and you'll realize the best ratings belong to the shops that work for their customer's best interest, NOT THE INSURANCE COMPANY.
Get different quotes: if you go to a NON-DRP we will write you for the best parts (OEM Original parts from the manufacturer). If you go to DRP they will most likely write you for Aftermarket, or reconditioned parts, saving tons of money to the insurance company.
Several insurance companies and auto body shops are being sued, and huge broadcast companies like CNN are taking this issue very seriously.
Beware of unsafe repairs! Be Safe.
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